Elk Grove Pickleball Club

Men’s Singles Tournament- read description!

Calling all men! RSVP may NOT be closed- see below to register

This is a men’s singles tournament open to both EGPC members and non-members. There will be 3 skill levels: 3.0, 3.5 and 4.0+. Depending on registration, we may have to combine some levels.

All scores will be submitted to DUPR. If you do not have a DUPR account, you must create one in order to participate: https://mydupr.com/signup

Play will start at 8am. Specific skill level times will be determined later.

Registration fee for the tournament is $35. If you are an EGPC member and have a free event banked, you may use it towards this event.

To register for this event, text Tami Dokter directly at 916-690-1876. Please text your name, skill level and the email address you use for DUPR.

Parking is now being enforced and the daily rate is $2.


October 7


08:00 am - 12:00 pm

Click to Register: https://www.meetup.com/elk-grove-pickleball-meetup-group/events/295921380

Elk Grove Pickleball Club Meetup Group

Email: meetup-group-maiacnei-announce@meetup.com Website: https://www.meetup.com/elk-grove-pickleball-meetup-group/

Cosumnes River College Tennis Courts

8401 Center Pkwy

Sacramento, CA, US, 95823